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Developing an alignment with the weather is pretty sweet. I rarely track these but normally, the night before a snowfall, I see snowflakes in my visions.Very short episodes but really pretty.Usually but not always, right as I’m about to fall asleep or right before waking up.The timing is, of course, easily explainable because every human has their own biorhythm that can be mathematically calculated. And every human has only specific hours in a day/night when they can effectively enter the astral zone that will provide accurate info (vs mixed with illusions etc). So my channeling usually happens during exact time periods that I was able to mathematically calculate.Actually, I’m still one of the only people in North America who can calculate it using a numerology system from Russia that has not yet been translated to English. Being somewhat obsessed with scientific esoterics has its advantages.It is a revolutionary methodology that can significantly improve kids’ well-being, from behavior to health.Because when a parent enforces activities onto a child during low energy times, they unknowingly harm their child. Creating a biorhythmic chart for a child is crucial and one day, I will certainly be encouraging parents to get it done. The chart will also help breastfeeding mothers to get aligned with their child’s healthy feeding and sleeping schedule and help the mother herself to feel less tired while raising her kid.How did I go from snowflakes to motherhood? Lol That is another story. You’ll need to study the inner workings of a Gemini Moon in a natal chart to get a better understanding. Never a dull moment with this Gem Moon over here, that’s for sure 🤣🤣🤣.

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No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi. Ei pro autem quidam perpetua. No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an.

Mei senserit assentior at, altera delenit cum cu, his ex ridens assentior. Sea ei novum integre omittantur, quas commodo admodum ad mel. Mel vidit aliquando at, mei possit menandri disputationi id, duo autem assueverit eu. At mea enim ipsum verterem, eripuit detraxit ne sed. Ut discere aliquam feugiat eam, illum dolores scaevola mea ne. Vivendo laboramus te pri, ut dico ridens instructior vix. Discere eripuit euismod eu nam, cu qui tale verear pertinax.u00a0

No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi. Ei pro autem quidam perpetua. No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi.u00a0