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Is there such a thing as post-Covid-19 benefits considering that the economy is in the reset process, small businesses are being put at great risk, and people’s health is 

Covid-19 is here to stay, just like virtually any other virus in history until immunity (not the vaccine) gets developed. The way you treat your body and soul will determine how well your immunity gets developed. Really think all those McDonalds burgers and wine every night are gonna help you develop that immunity? Soon enough we will see just how much damage was caused to human health from poor life choices that create an illusion of a healthy lifestyle vs actually being healthy. All those people who keep asking me how I look 10+ years younger and am able to recover from illnesses without the use of heavy pharma drugs now have a chance to observe how their reckless attitude towards themselves is only failing them. Nevertheless, one of the positives that will come out of the quarantine long-term is mental health (advocacy etc) improvements and creativity. A large number of people are now faced with… themselves… Those (such as myself) who got used to purposeful solitude, will get through this period with more ease than those who have relied heavily on external, superficial stimulants. In the future we will see more mental health initiatives that promote soul searching, inner strength building, self-development and creativity. I imagine that many more people will finally experience the awakening of their first psychic gifts, too. Creativity is blooming right now, and we will see many books (not all related to the virus, of course) and other types of creative self-expression, come out of this period. I normally have an endless flow of creativity as is but now am given an opportunity to take more action with it, in various forms. This time is of utmost benefit for me. I hope it is for you, too. And that extra bottle of wine that you are proudly parading on social media as being your daily activity now at home, is only showing that you are in the category of the weak-willed who wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if a bigger, real, crisis was to happen. And who wants to deal with the weak-willed in business or family life? Not many…. A bit of salty tough love approach, as always, but you all know it’s out of my real desire to change your life for the better because

is where it’s at…

Covid-19 is here to stay, just like virtually any other virus in history until immunity (not the vaccine) gets developed.

The way you treat your body and soul will determine how well your immunity gets developed. Really think all those McDonalds burgers and wine every night are gonna help you develop that immunity? Soon enough we will see just how much damage was caused to human health from poor life choices that create an illusion of a healthy lifestyle vs actually being healthy. All those people who keep asking me how I look 10+ years younger and am able to recover from illnesses without the use of heavy pharma drugs now have a chance to observe how their reckless attitude towards themselves is only failing them.

Nevertheless, one of the positives that will come out of the quarantine long-term is mental health (advocacy etc) improvements and creativity. A large number of people are now faced with… themselves…


Fashion trendsetting styles on Gawker

 Those (such as myself) who got used to purposeful solitude, will get through this period with more ease than those who have relied heavily on external, superficial stimulants. In the future we will see more mental health initiatives that promote soul searching, inner strength building, self-development and creativity. I imagine that many more people will finally experience the awakening of their first psychic gifts, too.

Creativity is blooming right now, and we will see many books (not all related to the virus, of course) and other types of creative self-expression, come out of this period. I normally have an endless flow of creativity as is but now am given an opportunity to take more action with it, in various forms.

This time is of utmost benefit for me. I hope it is for you, too. And that extra bottle of wine that you are proudly parading on social media as being your daily activity now at home, is only showing that you are in the category of the weak-willed who wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if a bigger, real, crisis was to happen. And who wants to deal with the weak-willed in business or family life? Not many….

A bit of salty tough love approach, as always, but you all know it’s out of my real desire to change your life for the better because 💜 is where it’s at…

No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi. Ei pro autem quidam perpetua. No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi.u00a0

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