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Our story of paper to screen looking to challenges, ideas and meaning.

Welcome to my polymath life!

Some say that polymaths are a dying breed. Others say that polymaths are going through their modern-day renaissance.

Sometimes referred to as “multi-passionates”, polymaths are often misunderstood and confused with the “jack of all trades, master of none” archetype. In fact, evolved polymaths are able to master several disciplines at once. That is if they truly are polymaths, and not undecided wannabes who want to be part of some community just to pass time.

I welcome everyone who is a knowledge seeker. I want to thank you all in advance for stepping by my website and taking interest in my polymath life.

Polymaths live purposefully. Even if that purpose is to acquire new knowledge and feel confident about their brainpower.

Having been born with a particular type of a brain that requires an above-average amount of mental stimulation, I have built my life around my numerous interests and intellectual pursuits. It takes me a notably shorter than average amount of time to learn a new subject since my brain has been voluntarily trained to effectively absorb and digest high volumes of information, by quickly sorting out important details.

I invite you on a journey inside my polymath life and freedom-seeking mind! As I share my experiences and observations in a blogging format on various topics, I will use this website as a sort of a diary and possibly an alternative to social media since, at the time of writing this, there are censorship and freedom of speech concerns on most popular social media platforms.

our history

Having a website with regular backups provides an extra layer of security and ownership for my content while any post on social media technically and legally-speaking belongs to that platform.

As the freedom of thought and speech are something (most) polymaths take seriously, I encourage you, too, to protect it.

Our story of paper to screen looking to challenges, ideas and meaning.

My goal with is to build a community of like-minded individuals who refuse to be boxed in intellectually. Individuals who could never settle for just one discipline in life. Individuals who need new wide-ranging knowledge like air to breathe.

Because polymathy (not to be confused with polyamory!) often leads to social and personal misunderstandings and mislabeling, I seek to create a safe haven for those whose mental and emotional health has been affected by it. Since thoughts are at the core of a polymath mind, healing the polymath mind starts with understanding its functioning, needs, and thought process.

Often experiencing a backlash for their life priorities and choices that place their mental pursuits above all, not to mention bullying as polymaths often experience jealousy and other negativity related to their brainpower, polymaths’ mental health may be affected. The standard educational system is typically not equipped with providing the right learning methods for polymath kids, either, and a custom learning approach is often best.

Since a polymath usually absorbs information quicker than average, he/she is at risk of simply losing interest when the mind is ready for the next block of information (sometimes preferably on a different subject, too) while the classroom teacher isn’t.