Health & Wellness – Polymath Life Life adventures and inner workings of a polymath mind. Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:12:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The 4 Best Foundations for Acne-Prone Skin, According to Dermatologists Tue, 04 May 2021 16:09:19 +0000 Firstly, you need to develop a strong constitution and mission. The reason why these are important is because while many businesses fail, some succeed and they require a lot of commitment and personal sacrifice. You have to ask yourself if you’re passionate about your mission enough to dedicate at least five years of your life to it. To teach our kids to be tough and with each blow life delivers to knock us down, we need to get up, dust ourselves off and pick up where we left off.

Secondly, learn how to hire and recruit properly. As someone who loves helping people, and at worst – a ‘rescuing type’ – this has stumped me along the way. I focused too much on serving people’s needs and wants – or hiring roles that I was comfortable with such as non-technical ones instead of more software engineers. The key is to identify the core Business needs and hire around these in a ‘jobs to be done’ framework.

[bs-quote quote=”Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” style=”style-11″ align=”left” author_name=”Jim Rohn” author_job=”American Entrepreneur” author_avatar=””]

Finally, become great at both operating and growing your business. Operations is important because it keeps your business running well, and marketing is important because well, growth is everything in a startup. In the first few years, depending on the type of business you have, I’d say it should be a mix of 20% operations and 80% growth. That a business journey can also be a spiritual journey. I’m someone who is interested in personal transformation as well as professional development – and didn’t think I would get much of this through building businesses. I have wanted to spend a few months in India exploring myself and the world for as long as I can remember.

Thinking big and small: I can be thinking two years down the track while managing a project’s daily to do list. A dreamer and doer so to speak. This is super useful when starting businesses as it combines a visionary with someone who is practical and focused, so you can get achieve a fair bit with one just person.

I love sleep. I need sleep. It’s hard to talk about sleep when there may be parents reading this but I definitely love a solid eight hours. I usually get to bed by 11.30pm and wake around 7.30am. I then spend 30 minutes working from bed and replying to emails, which goes against every zen or productivity guru’s advice. One thing I’ve been exploring lately is redefining what success actually means. Recently, in Silicon Valley, we’ve seen many unicorn startups grow to the point where their ethics, culture and community relations break. I want to see more examples of companies that are growing but also having a positive impact on the planet. I’m over the growth-at-all-costs way. Women CEOs and female founders are particularly well placed to lead this change. I also think it’s a great time for business, government and technology to come together and focus on solving real issues. If I could have any superpower, it would be the power of flight. But I can’t. So I have to fly in a plane like a regular human being and sadly, that costs money! But it doesn’t always have to burn a hole in your pocket. Here are five of the best ways to find cheap flights.

Devote 80% of your energy to the most important 20% of your activities. Remember that you can’t be everywhere, know everyone, and do everything. And avoid multitasking: it can cost you 40% efficiency. Remember the last time you had a brilliant idea at 2 a.m., but it sounded sort of ridiculous when you woke up the next morning? To reject popular thinking you must be OK with feeling uncomfortable. Also remember When you’re strategic, you reduce your margin of error. Simply having vague ideas of where you are and what you want to accomplish will get you no where. The keys to being strategic: 1. break the issue down, 2. ask why the problem needs to be solved, 3. identify the key issues, 4. review your resources, 5. put the right people in place. Henry Ford once said, “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into smaller parts.” Try new routes to work, meet new people, read books you might even consider boring. The key is exposure to new ideas and ways of life.

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This Pore-Shrinking Primer Is the Equivalent of Your Favorite Photo Filter Tue, 04 May 2021 16:09:18 +0000 Firstly, you need to develop a strong constitution and mission. The reason why these are important is because while many businesses fail, some succeed and they require a lot of commitment and personal sacrifice. You have to ask yourself if you’re passionate about your mission enough to dedicate at least five years of your life to it. To teach our kids to be tough and with each blow life delivers to knock us down, we need to get up, dust ourselves off and pick up where we left off.

Secondly, learn how to hire and recruit properly. As someone who loves helping people, and at worst – a ‘rescuing type’ – this has stumped me along the way. I focused too much on serving people’s needs and wants – or hiring roles that I was comfortable with such as non-technical ones instead of more software engineers. The key is to identify the core Business needs and hire around these in a ‘jobs to be done’ framework.

[bs-quote quote=”Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” style=”style-11″ align=”left” author_name=”Jim Rohn” author_job=”American Entrepreneur” author_avatar=””]

Finally, become great at both operating and growing your business. Operations is important because it keeps your business running well, and marketing is important because well, growth is everything in a startup. In the first few years, depending on the type of business you have, I’d say it should be a mix of 20% operations and 80% growth. That a business journey can also be a spiritual journey. I’m someone who is interested in personal transformation as well as professional development – and didn’t think I would get much of this through building businesses. I have wanted to spend a few months in India exploring myself and the world for as long as I can remember.

Thinking big and small: I can be thinking two years down the track while managing a project’s daily to do list. A dreamer and doer so to speak. This is super useful when starting businesses as it combines a visionary with someone who is practical and focused, so you can get achieve a fair bit with one just person.

I love sleep. I need sleep. It’s hard to talk about sleep when there may be parents reading this but I definitely love a solid eight hours. I usually get to bed by 11.30pm and wake around 7.30am. I then spend 30 minutes working from bed and replying to emails, which goes against every zen or productivity guru’s advice. One thing I’ve been exploring lately is redefining what success actually means. Recently, in Silicon Valley, we’ve seen many unicorn startups grow to the point where their ethics, culture and community relations break. I want to see more examples of companies that are growing but also having a positive impact on the planet. I’m over the growth-at-all-costs way. Women CEOs and female founders are particularly well placed to lead this change. I also think it’s a great time for business, government and technology to come together and focus on solving real issues. If I could have any superpower, it would be the power of flight. But I can’t. So I have to fly in a plane like a regular human being and sadly, that costs money! But it doesn’t always have to burn a hole in your pocket. Here are five of the best ways to find cheap flights.

Devote 80% of your energy to the most important 20% of your activities. Remember that you can’t be everywhere, know everyone, and do everything. And avoid multitasking: it can cost you 40% efficiency. Remember the last time you had a brilliant idea at 2 a.m., but it sounded sort of ridiculous when you woke up the next morning? To reject popular thinking you must be OK with feeling uncomfortable. Also remember When you’re strategic, you reduce your margin of error. Simply having vague ideas of where you are and what you want to accomplish will get you no where. The keys to being strategic: 1. break the issue down, 2. ask why the problem needs to be solved, 3. identify the key issues, 4. review your resources, 5. put the right people in place. Henry Ford once said, “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into smaller parts.” Try new routes to work, meet new people, read books you might even consider boring. The key is exposure to new ideas and ways of life.

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Learn How to Plan the Most Epic Adventure Vacation of Your Life Tue, 04 May 2021 16:09:14 +0000 Firstly, you need to develop a strong constitution and mission. The reason why these are important is because while many businesses fail, some succeed and they require a lot of commitment and personal sacrifice. You have to ask yourself if you’re passionate about your mission enough to dedicate at least five years of your life to it. To teach our kids to be tough and with each blow life delivers to knock us down, we need to get up, dust ourselves off and pick up where we left off.

Secondly, learn how to hire and recruit properly. As someone who loves helping people, and at worst – a ‘rescuing type’ – this has stumped me along the way. I focused too much on serving people’s needs and wants – or hiring roles that I was comfortable with such as non-technical ones instead of more software engineers. The key is to identify the core Business needs and hire around these in a ‘jobs to be done’ framework.

[bs-quote quote=”Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” style=”style-11″ align=”left” author_name=”Jim Rohn” author_job=”American Entrepreneur” author_avatar=””]

Finally, become great at both operating and growing your business. Operations is important because it keeps your business running well, and marketing is important because well, growth is everything in a startup. In the first few years, depending on the type of business you have, I’d say it should be a mix of 20% operations and 80% growth. That a business journey can also be a spiritual journey. I’m someone who is interested in personal transformation as well as professional development – and didn’t think I would get much of this through building businesses. I have wanted to spend a few months in India exploring myself and the world for as long as I can remember.

Thinking big and small: I can be thinking two years down the track while managing a project’s daily to do list. A dreamer and doer so to speak. This is super useful when starting businesses as it combines a visionary with someone who is practical and focused, so you can get achieve a fair bit with one just person.

I love sleep. I need sleep. It’s hard to talk about sleep when there may be parents reading this but I definitely love a solid eight hours. I usually get to bed by 11.30pm and wake around 7.30am. I then spend 30 minutes working from bed and replying to emails, which goes against every zen or productivity guru’s advice. One thing I’ve been exploring lately is redefining what success actually means. Recently, in Silicon Valley, we’ve seen many unicorn startups grow to the point where their ethics, culture and community relations break. I want to see more examples of companies that are growing but also having a positive impact on the planet. I’m over the growth-at-all-costs way. Women CEOs and female founders are particularly well placed to lead this change. I also think it’s a great time for business, government and technology to come together and focus on solving real issues. If I could have any superpower, it would be the power of flight. But I can’t. So I have to fly in a plane like a regular human being and sadly, that costs money! But it doesn’t always have to burn a hole in your pocket. Here are five of the best ways to find cheap flights.

Devote 80% of your energy to the most important 20% of your activities. Remember that you can’t be everywhere, know everyone, and do everything. And avoid multitasking: it can cost you 40% efficiency. Remember the last time you had a brilliant idea at 2 a.m., but it sounded sort of ridiculous when you woke up the next morning? To reject popular thinking you must be OK with feeling uncomfortable. Also remember When you’re strategic, you reduce your margin of error. Simply having vague ideas of where you are and what you want to accomplish will get you no where. The keys to being strategic: 1. break the issue down, 2. ask why the problem needs to be solved, 3. identify the key issues, 4. review your resources, 5. put the right people in place. Henry Ford once said, “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into smaller parts.” Try new routes to work, meet new people, read books you might even consider boring. The key is exposure to new ideas and ways of life.

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6-Foot Long Sticks Or My Laser Hair Removal Appointment During “Pandemic” Thu, 06 Aug 2020 13:28:00 +0000

Here is another gem for ya that’s going straight into my “based on real-life comedy archives”.

I came in for a laser hair removal appointment. The lady who does my treatments handed me a document to sign about Covid safety measures etc. Here is a line that tickled my curiosity (I was asked to put my initials next to it):

“You will keep a distance of 6 feet and there will be no physical contact (shaking hands etc) from me or staff.”

Me: …??? But you’re gonna touch my legs… how are you gonna perform laser on me at a 6 feet distance from my body?

Her: You know, it’s the new regulations that we have to follow. If you don’t feel safe, we can reschedule.

Me: Oh no, I feel perfectly safe. I just want to know what is this new technology that was developed while we were in lockdown that does laser hair removal at a 6 feet distance from the patient…

Her: [silence]

Me: [silence… as I dive into the depths of my imagination trying to picture her applying cooling gel onto my lower legs with a 6 feet long stick].

Her: [putting my signed document away and never questioning why I’m wearing a 60’s style thin silk headscarf on my face that keeps shifting and covers only my bottom lip]. Ok, we can start now.

Long story short, I almost feel scammed because there was no new technology and she touched my legs like before.

I dunno about you but maybe Trudeau should invest a few more million dollars into “6 feet long sticks”.

Some useful local business and commercial applications for such sticks may include but are not limited to:

💆‍♀️ relaxing back massages by registered massage therapists,

💅hair combing and highlighting, and creative nail painting at beauty salons,

🕺a “new reality” 6 feet long backscratcher to be sold at Dollarama, an ideal present for all your friends who like to suck up to people in power,

👩‍🏫 a 6 feet long “new reality teacher’s helper” device that would help a middle school teacher adjust the mask on a young student’s face from a safe distance,

🙊 a 6 feet long “new reality pleasure” device for all the responsible individuals who followed the government’s advice to use glory holes for sex during pandemic and are now looking for even safer options. (“A 6 feet treat for the clit” could be one of the taglines.)

As you can see, we can avoid a recession if we invest more money into products that could benefit our businesses for years to come.

You can thank me later.

Photo of many long thick sticks aka trees from Kuala Lumpur, to attract attention before I seriously consider patenting the 6 feet long sticks products, become filthy rich from securing a government contract, and running away into the sunset with some handsome fella who owns a stick factory.


Fashion trendsetting styles on Gawker

No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi. Ei pro autem quidam perpetua. No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an.

Mei senserit assentior at, altera delenit cum cu, his ex ridens assentior. Sea ei novum integre omittantur, quas commodo admodum ad mel. Mel vidit aliquando at, mei possit menandri disputationi id, duo autem assueverit eu. At mea enim ipsum verterem, eripuit detraxit ne sed. Ut discere aliquam feugiat eam, illum dolores scaevola mea ne. Vivendo laboramus te pri, ut dico ridens instructior vix. Discere eripuit euismod eu nam, cu qui tale verear pertinax.u00a0

No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi. Ei pro autem quidam perpetua. No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi.u00a0

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Post Covid-19 Benefits For Creativity And Mental Health Sun, 19 Jul 2020 09:27:00 +0000 Is there such a thing as post-Covid-19 benefits considering that the economy is in the reset process, small businesses are being put at great risk, and people’s health is 

Covid-19 is here to stay, just like virtually any other virus in history until immunity (not the vaccine) gets developed. The way you treat your body and soul will determine how well your immunity gets developed. Really think all those McDonalds burgers and wine every night are gonna help you develop that immunity? Soon enough we will see just how much damage was caused to human health from poor life choices that create an illusion of a healthy lifestyle vs actually being healthy. All those people who keep asking me how I look 10+ years younger and am able to recover from illnesses without the use of heavy pharma drugs now have a chance to observe how their reckless attitude towards themselves is only failing them. Nevertheless, one of the positives that will come out of the quarantine long-term is mental health (advocacy etc) improvements and creativity. A large number of people are now faced with… themselves… Those (such as myself) who got used to purposeful solitude, will get through this period with more ease than those who have relied heavily on external, superficial stimulants. In the future we will see more mental health initiatives that promote soul searching, inner strength building, self-development and creativity. I imagine that many more people will finally experience the awakening of their first psychic gifts, too. Creativity is blooming right now, and we will see many books (not all related to the virus, of course) and other types of creative self-expression, come out of this period. I normally have an endless flow of creativity as is but now am given an opportunity to take more action with it, in various forms. This time is of utmost benefit for me. I hope it is for you, too. And that extra bottle of wine that you are proudly parading on social media as being your daily activity now at home, is only showing that you are in the category of the weak-willed who wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if a bigger, real, crisis was to happen. And who wants to deal with the weak-willed in business or family life? Not many…. A bit of salty tough love approach, as always, but you all know it’s out of my real desire to change your life for the better because

is where it’s at…

Covid-19 is here to stay, just like virtually any other virus in history until immunity (not the vaccine) gets developed.

The way you treat your body and soul will determine how well your immunity gets developed. Really think all those McDonalds burgers and wine every night are gonna help you develop that immunity? Soon enough we will see just how much damage was caused to human health from poor life choices that create an illusion of a healthy lifestyle vs actually being healthy. All those people who keep asking me how I look 10+ years younger and am able to recover from illnesses without the use of heavy pharma drugs now have a chance to observe how their reckless attitude towards themselves is only failing them.

Nevertheless, one of the positives that will come out of the quarantine long-term is mental health (advocacy etc) improvements and creativity. A large number of people are now faced with… themselves…


Fashion trendsetting styles on Gawker

 Those (such as myself) who got used to purposeful solitude, will get through this period with more ease than those who have relied heavily on external, superficial stimulants. In the future we will see more mental health initiatives that promote soul searching, inner strength building, self-development and creativity. I imagine that many more people will finally experience the awakening of their first psychic gifts, too.

Creativity is blooming right now, and we will see many books (not all related to the virus, of course) and other types of creative self-expression, come out of this period. I normally have an endless flow of creativity as is but now am given an opportunity to take more action with it, in various forms.

This time is of utmost benefit for me. I hope it is for you, too. And that extra bottle of wine that you are proudly parading on social media as being your daily activity now at home, is only showing that you are in the category of the weak-willed who wouldn’t know what to do with themselves if a bigger, real, crisis was to happen. And who wants to deal with the weak-willed in business or family life? Not many….

A bit of salty tough love approach, as always, but you all know it’s out of my real desire to change your life for the better because 💜 is where it’s at…

No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi. Ei pro autem quidam perpetua. No debet cotidieque sit. Usu lobortis philosophia ex, nostro maiestatis eum no. Ad pro latine comprehensam. Pri quis erant laudem an, et vix propriae omnesque delicatissimi.u00a0

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